Offer To Participate In Karakuri Programme 2019


September 4, 2019

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Offer To Participate In Karakuri Programme 2019

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The Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and IoT Institute (MARii) invites you to Karakuri Programme 2019 in collaboration with PERODUA and PERODUA Supplier Association (P2SA). The programme is one of the government initiatives with the overarching goal of strengthening the competitiveness of Malaysian vendor through vendor development programme.

Karakuri is a Japanese term that means gimmick, mechanism, and trick. In manufacturing, the principle of Karakuri focuses on simple, easily-implemented automation that relies on natural forces such as gravity and momentum instead of electrical power supply. Karakuri is usually implemented to reduce non-value added work in a process without the need to invest in more expensive systems. Karakuri approach optimizes energy and working speed, improve ergonomics, reduce unnecessary movement, workload, and eliminates redundant work processes to increase productivity, all without depending on a power supply.

Participants will be exposed with theoretical and practical training at Karakuri Dojo in MARii Academy of Technology, Bukit Beruntung for four (4) days to gain deeper understanding and knowledge about Karakuri. Once the participants have completed the 4 days training, a three (3) months mentoring activity will be conducted, where the Karakuri Experts will visit every participating company to provide advice, suggestion and recommendation to the participant to kick-start their own Karakuri project at their respective company.

For your information, the total cost of the entire Karakuri programme to is RM7,000 per company. The participating company however, will only have to pay RM1,200 while the balance will be subsidised by the government through MARii. MARii would like to offer your organization to participate in this programme and we are pleased to inform that the RM1,200 payments is HRDF claimable through the Skim Bantuan Latihan (SBL) scheme.

Please find the attached programme outline for you reference. Kindly fill-in and submit the registration form to us if you are interested to participate in this programme.

Should there be any inquiry on the above matter, do not hesitate to contact Nasruldin at 017-9674 119 or email at