Message from President


Mr Thomas Lim Teck Ling

Tomcare Resources Sdn Bhd

“Welcome to Proton Vendors Association (PVA)’s website. We hope that your experience with this website will be a refreshing journey to the virtual realm of networking and sharing resources in the Malaysian automotive ecosystem.

For those who are new or unfamiliar with PVA, the association was formed with the main objectives of fostering healthy and close relationships among PVA members as well as between members and its principal customer, PROTON.

PVA members comprises duly registered vendors of PROTON who are directly involved in the manufacturing and supply of automotive parts and components as well as those who supply related automotive materials and services to PROTON.

Besides PROTON, PVA also engages with external parties including government ministries and agencies to provide inputs on matters and policies related to the automotive industry in Malaysia. Today, PVA has grown to be a significant voice in the Malaysian automotive ecosystem, providing views and feedback regularly to government policy makers as well as other automotive stakeholders in the country.

If you are sourcing for quality automotive parts and components with recognised quality management systems like ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and IATF 16949 from Malaysia, you can surf this website to widen your sourcing network via the hyperlinks listed here that connects to the individual websites of PVA members. This linkage also facilitates members to showcase their products and services as well as their strengths and capabilities. I would like to record my appreciation to all PVA members for their contributions and involvement in PVA activities including the development of this website.

It is the vision of PVA EXCO to continuously bring progress to members including widening PVA members’ reach through the cyberspace and providing an avenue to improve communications among PVA members. This website is also a platform to house useful information pertaining to PVA activities and the automotive industry in Malaysia, acting as a resource and information hub for PVA members and the general public.

We truly hope that PVA members can also meet virtually in this website by posting issues, updates and information on areas related to the association. If you have views, feedback or questions on PVA, please do drop a note to our Executive Secretary, Puan Intan at

The relationship between PROTON and PVA is symbiotic and the mutual interdependence on each other cannot be denied. On behalf of PVA, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr Li Chunrong, CEO of PROTON and his management team for their continuous support towards PVA’s objectives and endeavours. Let us continue to work together to bring PROTON to greater heights and contribute towards the well-being of the country’s economy and society.

Thank you.”